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How to Tie a Witches Knot

How to tie a witch knot. Witch Stairs, Witin Cord - a variety of nodule magic

To bring positive changes to life, the protection of dwellings and personal lives of practitioners is recommended by Charg - Winches Staircase. Making an amulet need to be independently using natural materials - threads of wool, flax or silk. The key to creating a working overag is the exact wording and visualization of the desired. The witch staircase can also be used to damage, but for this you need to throw it out or give the created amulet in the housing of the enemy.

What it is?

Practices do not recommend buying ready-made witch stairs from hand, because in the charm you can invest any negative wishes and bring damage to the house through the thread. If troubleshoot began after the acquisition, it is necessary to urgently get rid of the talisman and carry out cleaning.

Witches stairs were manufactured to protect, improve health and financial well-being In Africa, Europe and America. The action of the universal amulet is a novel magic. Predially tied and stipulated intricateings of threads indicate the desire of the practitioner, and the thread, tape or cord - the line of fate. Thanks to nodule magic, it is possible to have the following impact without a fear of rollback:

  • housing protection;
  • damage to the damage or curse;
  • health promotion;
  • improvement financial state or love relationships;
  • run a positive program in any field of life.

What does it look like?

Basil can be used for the manufacture of such an attribute.

The charm consists of a rope, thread, rope or ribbons, on which the practitioner ties the nodules and climbs various signs of force, for example, coins, feathers, amulets, medicinal herbs, or totem animals figurines. Adding additional attributes is optional, but enhances magical impact Witch stairs. Pits for the overag should belong to a living bird, the plumage is deadly used only to guide Prel. Basic herbs that are used when creating an amulet are presented in Table:

The action of each node must be supported by the tolephone.

The standard number of nodules - 40, and the recommended practitioners the number of additional elements - to 7. Tied the thread in a special way with a mandatory mental accompaniment. If you do not visualize the desired result, then it will not be a sense of the witch staircase. The practitioner should clearly realize why he creates every loop.

At the same time, if the charm is intended to achieve a short-term goal, it is impossible to do dense nodules - when the amulet finishes work, they must spread independently. If the witch staircase is created for permanent influence, you need to, on the contrary, tighten every loop very tightly and negotiate that the knot will be eternal. Methods of braid and the type of thread varies depending on the necessary goals and cultural traditions. You can use the usual node, sea, eight, double flat or gypsy solar nodules.

Application technique

Depending on the purposes with which the charm was created, the witch staircase is used as follows:

This attribute can be manufactured in order to protect the human housing.
  • Protection of the house or improved certain sphere of life. The wubble is hanging on the wall or ceiling so that the practice can see it, but the guests did not pay attention to it. That is, it is better to place a magic rope in an angle of the apartment, next to the cabinet or flowering plants.
  • Powering or curse. If necessary negative impact per person, then you need to throw, put or give him a talisman. The best option if the object takes the gift from the hands and will independently place in the apartment.

Winched Staircase - magic objectIn which his knowledgeable woman manufactures his intentions and wishes. The magic of a witch staircase belongs to nodule magic. To the same type of magic can be attributed to the Witch Rope, the Witch Loop, the Witin Cord and the Witch's rosary. These may be the names of the same subject, but they can perform completely different functions. EXPERIENCE OF CENTERS Such items used both to protect, attract happiness, good luck, love, prosperity, and for dark cases.

The witch staircase is an ordinary thread, rope, harness, braid or several threads that intertwined with each other (spells are woven into rope nodes), also woven into rope and various amulets, talismans that may consist of beads, knots, coins, feathers, stones, figures, etc. But there are exceptions, sometimes the witch staircase can be a certain subject of force, which serves as its mistress to the guard, amulet or talisman.

There are several types of creating witch stairs, but there are two most common ways: the first is just knitting knots, without additional ritual amulets, and the second - knit nodes with additional objects. The number of nodes is made to do 9 or 40 pieces, and additional amulets - 1 or 7 pieces, naturally, the number of both the nodes themselves and additional amulets may vary. Each node is tied not just like that, but in a certain way, and of course with an invested meaning (tolerant), the visualization of what a person wants to achieve, who does this and for what. When knitting a witch stairs, the nodes that are tied at a certain time are never delayed, so that they can slowly break through, and if the witch staircase does forever, then the nodes must be very tightly tightened, the knot should be "dead or eternal" . Methods of tying knots each witches are individual, it largely depended on the traditions. The witch staircase was hanging mainly in the house for a prominent place, sometimes in secluded, and sometimes hid.

When the witch was knitted the staircase, and the nodes themselves went to bed, was considered good signAnd if the staircase did not knit, rushed, the amulets were dropped, it was considered a very good sign. If, when knitting the staircase, the thread all the time was confused, this meant that, on what it knives, there is already some kind of witchcraft. If in the process of knitting knots, the witch accidentally cut his hands, the witchcraft, "binding" to the nodes, became much stronger.

An important was the color of binding threads: red or green - for good luck or health. Blue - on a relaxed child, or to cure from longing. Different spoings were made from black threads, and in addition pounded with black wax. Generally black and white color Neutraine, on such colors of threads can be "tied" both positive and negative.

Amulets, talismans just like that, "I like it" can not be bruised. Each such a separate item is in itself a certain force and a certain meaning. For example, for wealth bind coins entirely, without punching. Thistle, garlic is woven to protect the house, even mirrors were sometimes used for all sorts of protection. Instead of talismans, witch piles can be witch in the Witch, which are filled with magic mixtures (herbs, sand, earth, etc.).

Winches Staircase for Wealth. To do this, take the green thread, long, green candle, nine clove buds, spice. Tie nine nodes (progressing each node), and bind the carnations to each knot. Then pronounce: The staircase of nine knots, I created you to the wealth I want to be mine to be able to climb to you well-being. Such is my will, let it be so. Then it should be wrapped around the ladder around the green candle and light it for nine days, the candle to the end of the ninth day should burn.

Witch Staircase for Protection or Good Luck. To protect you need to take three threads: white, red and black, nine different feathers, green candle and santed water. Feather color can be: for health - red, to protect, for the development of abilities, mind - blue, yellow for good luck and prosperity, green feathers for welfare growth, brown - stability, respect, black feathers - for wisdom, for enlightenment, striped , White, gray - for harmonization, peacock feathers - for protection and prosperity. You can select feathers on the symbolism of the birds themselves, i.e. For protection take feathers painting birdsFor love - Swan feather, for family - swallows, etc. IN full moon, It is necessary to make a circle, light the candle, tie three threads together, and when knitting knots to speak: This night three threads, red, white and black join together, creating magic. Repeat while the staircase will not be completed. Be sure to tie a node at the end of the stairs. When the staircase is knit, it is necessary to bind feathers, each pen must be binded to approximately equal intervals. When the pen is involved, you need to say words that correspond to the color of the pen and the fact that a person wants to get from it in an arbitrary form. When the staircase is completed, the ends of the staircase must be tied together, so the circle will be formed, this circle is carried through the candles, sprinkle with sanctified water and say: The name of the goddess and God, by air, fire, earth and water, I sanctify this staircase of nine feathers and three cords. Let it store (or brings good luck) of me (I) always. May it be so. After hanging a witch staircase so that every day you can see it, but so that it does not catch the eye to other people.

Unforgettably lunar phases: For money, for example, knit on the growing moon, but on the departure of the disease - only on the descending. Starting and ending the staircase necessarily need nodes.

The witch staircase is a very ancient amulet of old Europe. However, under different names occur of different nations. This is a kind of vertex of nodule magic. The witch is a staircase comprehensive amulet. However, many can make this.

For the manufacture of an amulet to the cord ties herbs, stones, pieces of wood, beads and wood figures or stone. Each node is lubricated with oil or saliva and charge their energy.

For example, you can make a protective amulet for home, love or money.

Protective witch staircase

You will need:

1. White woolen thread

2. Blue woolen thread

3. Brown woolen thread

4. Hematite in the form of a coulon or beads

5. Hawthorn spikes 12 pcs

6. Oil wormwood or rosemary

So, in full moon in front of the altar. Better fully broken. Fold all the threads together and make the first knot, putting the first spike of the hawthorn in it. The spike eventually must be tied by a node to three threads. Tie a knot Say:

"If the enemy goes to me

Immediately in the haze will be disappeared

Then lubricate the node with an idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting the house.

We do all this for each spike hawthorn, reading the spell 12 times and lubricating each node with oil.

And on the thirteenth, it is necessary to bind hematite, spell and oil is also used at 13 times.

A protective witch staircase hang close to the entrance, but so that no one has seen.

Love witch staircase

To attract love to the house.

You will need:

1. Red woolen thread

2. Orange woolen thread

3. Pink woolen thread

4. Roses dry red buds 3 pcs

5. Chernelic 3 beads

6. Rose oil

In the midst of the altar, the altar is naked to braid a braid of three threads. At the same time, think about finding that person and happiness with him (her). In Kosh, it is necessary to drag carnelian beads. Lubricating oil each as a node. And charging energy. Chermanic beads must be at an equal distance from each other. At the same time you need to leave a place from the edges.

Between them tie roses. Tie the first rose between carnelian beads and tell me:

"Let love fill me!

Let it be mutual!

Let it be happy for me

Let long be until the bottom! "

Then lubricate the node with pink oil.

Do the same with spell and butter three times to tie all roses between carnelian beads.

The last node must join the braid into the ring. It is especially important to steal it with its energy and desire.

Hang it next to the bed.

Monetary witch staircase.

You will need:

1. Cedar bumps 4 pcs.

2. Brown cord

3. Cedar or rosemary oil

It is better necessary to make a full moon or on a growing moon.

Cash amulet is done without a spell. You need to tie a bump to the cord, as in past times. Charge each node and lubricate with oil. Doing it imagine that you have a lot of money! And the last knot tie in the circle.

Cedar ancient symbol of wealth. Hang the staircase over the entrance to the house or on the northern wall.

Amulet works on all working houses at home.

All these are just examples of witch stairs. But there are millions of variants of similar amulets. Knowing that you can combine, and what not, you can make your own options.

Based on the real events that occurred 20 years ago.

I did not want to wake up before the scratch, but the hubble trills of the doorbell ruthlessly pumped into pieces of sleep smoking ... Finally, I got up, Klyanya's early visits, who do not let sleep at the weekend, pulled the pants and, yawning, wandered to open the door.

Lyoshka came, my friend. The expression of his face had such that I did forgot about a dream and a reprimand that I wanted to ride it for such an early visit. Blowing it for the sleeve in the hallway and closing the door, I asked anxiously:

Lesch, what happened?

With the Nataska badly ... And more ... - Worrying and choking on the rapid run on the stairs, he fell insembly.

So, let's calm down and tell me - I interrupted it - we will help ...

Here ... - Lyokha pulled out a matchbox from his pocket and handed it to me.

I opened the boxes - there were two English pins with threads attached to them on which the nodules were tied.

I did not understand anything - I said and closed the boxes - and here it is - I shook the box - and what about Natalia, answer?

Alexey calmed down a bit and told me that he was already from Natalia, his native sister, something wrong was happening. It became pale, undiscoverable, sluggish. Even on a small son, the wolf almost does not pay attention, which was never observed with her. Once a month, in full moon, she is going late in the evening and silently leaves somewhere. And no one allows you to follow it. Sometimes she decides to stay at home on such days and does not come out of the house, but then she starts to flow from the nose of blood and she barely moves around the apartment from the decline of forces.

One day, Lyoshka did not lose and slowly went behind her in one of the full moon. They live in the village and he was very surprised when Natasha, having passed the village, went to the steppe and went on the road to the village cemetery. At first, Lesha was afraid that the sister would see him walking behind - the night is light, lunar. But Natalia did not pay attention to anything and mechanically continued movement.

Come on the cemetery, she sat on one of the graves, away from the road, and sat for a while. Silently, without movements. Then she got up, took the hand to the earth from the grave and referred it to his pocket. Then silently went home. At home, undressed, lay down in bed and immediately fell asleep.

And what did you say anything before? - I reproached a friend.

Yes, I did not want to disturb, I thought it would pass it. Just yesterday, when they were cleaned in the apartment, they found it - and he nodded on the matchbox - one was sticking to the carpet at the head of the bed, where Natasha sleeps, and the second was stuck with back side Portrait of a woman. Here I decided to consult with you - you also communicate with psychics. May help ...

Good, Lesch, of course help, if it is in our power ... you, come on, go home now. Prepare Natalia, we will work alone with her. Yes, I will come with seryoogo. You know that he is in the magicians of specials. - I calmed him and he, had fun, jumped down the steps down.

By sending Lyoshka home, I began to sort out in the mind of all familiar "specialists" in the occult sciences, in case the serge will be busy or will not be in the city. But, no matter how cool, and without a seryo, it was not to do - he thoroughly knew all the details of the rites of the occultism, knew many conspiracies and other "importance" from the discharge of magic. Papuza quoted by heart, disassembled in numerology, Kabbalah, Chiromantia, astrology, read Raddle to Staroslavan and Latin. Serge considered himself a white magician and could not tolerate manifestations of black witchcraft.

Seryoga, fortunately, was at home and after my call on the phone and summary Stories, after fifteen minutes, was already near my house. By that time I was already dressed, went down and smoking, waiting for him on a bench near the house. His old "412" with the roar of the punched silencer broke into the morning silence of our yard.

Hey! He shouted, crawling out of the car.

Hey! - I replied, shaking my hand came up.

Well, tell me, show - he blurted out with an impatient patter.

Lyoshka you know, Sister Natasha, too, and here and "surprise" - I handed the boxes in Sergey.

Wow! "With a spike, putting the air, said Serge, looking into it and carefully putting the boxes on the bench, darted to the Muscovite. Plowing in the "glove", he brought a small tin box with a folding lid.

Do you know that this is for the thing? -- he asked.

Something Porkskoye - I replied, Walking in despite the coming summer roast morning, because from the box lying between us on the bench had something bad, evil, terrible.

Yeah, you also felt! - Serge solemnly smiled. - This is a "witch staircase" ... very rare and strong witchcraft. I did not think that we had a meeting in the city. Each nodule is a spell, especially fortified. Total nine them. So the spells are only nine on each thread. This is a complex process - I would be mistaken at least in the word, even in the sound of pronunciation, on yourself. There are even two "stairs". Someone tried well.

The "staircase" is made - Serge continued - "to death" a man, that is, a person will gradually get, fading and any doctors will help. I have some kind of recordings for this rubbish. Let's like this - watches at seven in the evening I will come after you and go to Lyukh. There, too, we will work a little to the dark. Well, this is already in your part - to enter into trance, track events and identify the customer and artist. Understood?

Well, here is unclear - I said - what is now?

And now I will take this madness with myself - Seryoga neatly poured pins with threads into the brought tin box - then I will find my recordings for removing the spell and prepare. In the evening you will help me with Lyoch ...

He jumped into his visual species "Muscovic" and, frightening the roaster of Glushaka, Pigeon's flock, said. I could only wait until the evening.

Beliefs the White Magician, exactly seven rolls in his "Bolivar" at the entrance, causing discontent with pigeons and grandmothers on benches. I climbed into the car and, just closing the door, noticed two more guys sitting behind.

Meet - said Serge - Andrei and Misha. They will also help.

"Muscovic" rushed from the spot and quickly joined the roadway. Twenty minutes later we were already in the village. Lyoshka, nervously leaving his entrance in an impatient waiting, jumped to the car and delightedly caught. When driving with everyone, Lyok wait awesome on us with Serzh. Serge smiled understandingly and began to give orders:

So, Andryukh, Micah, you still sit in the car. You, Lesha, also take a walk while. Many people do not need a session. You will focus on a focus - he explained to the question of Lyokh. - And we will work with you while - Serge turned to me. Let's go

Natalia really looked like - sluggish, with shadows under the eyes, all such "extinct", which was absolutely not knitted with that dashing "boy-girl", which I knew. She was already aware of the upcoming "action". The procedure did not scare it - she was present at the sessions. With silent humility, she lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, relaxing.

Start - whispered Serge, sitting on a chair near the bed.

Long "mess around" did not have to. After a few minutes, Natasha was ready for a session.

Do you hear me well? I asked Natalia.

Yes. She answered quietly.

Try to see one who wanted to make you evil.

I see ... this is my mother-in-law ...

What did she do?

I see ... goes on the bus ... goes around near the market ... goes on some street ... there is a property at home ... turns into the lulfur ... there is a dead end ... it knocks into the gate ... Well, the old woman ... they go to the house ...

Can you hear about what they say?

No ... I can not hear anything ... They talk about something ... The old woman got some kind of boxes ... I took the money from the mother-in-law ... she keeps something in his hands ... put something on the table ... whispering And something makes hands ... not visible ...

Try to hear what she says.

I'm afraid to approach closer - sees ...

Try carefully ...


Ar-R-Us ... A-R-R-Ugous ... Al-La Aya ..

Suddenly Natalia scared frightened:

Oh ... she saw me ... looks ... I'm scared ...

I hurried to calm her down and began to slowly take out of the trance - everything you need, and I learned from Serge.

Now I'm a little distracted from my story to clarify some moments. I did not describe in detail the procedure for introducing a trans - this is a story, not an article on psychology. And yet - a little tell the prehistory of this incident. As I said, Natalia grew by a brick girl. I did not cry at the sight of a knocked knee, I knew how to whitty whistled on two fingers, participated in all boys. When it was time - I jumped married and showed myself a good mistress, and then my mother. Patiently demolished her husband and tried not to lose heart. But, one day, heaving in the passionate arms of her husband and the best friend and Kum, silently gathered things, took the wolf and went to the parents. No admonition of her husband and his mother helped. Said - cut off. Soon the husband stopped visiting his son and found consolation in another passion. The mother-in-law continued to go to visit the only grandson, but he had not spoken about reunification. It can be seen by deciding to go to the sorcerer, she decided to punish the "obstruction". But, as in any normal person, I do not fit in my head - what kind of child is to blame for that time there were only four years old on that time?

Leaving Natalia to relax in the apartment, and Serge and I went outside and told the guys about the results. Lyoshka reached:

Yes, I will blow this gadine! ..

We hardly reassured him, convincing that he would not succeed in force, he would only sit in prison, and, as he would warm, we will send her whole thing back - let it be larling and it will trust ...

So it is dark. The first stars have already become appearing on the Dark Evening Sky. Serge appointed final "action" at midnight. Leaving the car at the entrance, we all went on the village cemetery on foot. White magician explained to us that the witchcraft with this cemetery connects something. No wonder Natalia came there and sat on the grave. No wonder she was sometimes visions that a group of people and calls her to themselves near this grave.

By half the twelfth we were in place. Serge ranked on the next clearing at the edge of the cemetery of the Pentagram, put some stones on the corners, brought with me, put an iron box with sinister stairs in the center of the Pentagram and opened it. Then he told us to become around the pentagram and take the hands. Pentagram walked something with something, arson, and closed our number to himself. In the steppe, it was quiet, even there was no champions of crickets, only the flame fascinatingly reflected in our eyes. Then the white magician told us so that we repeat the words behind him and warned that in no case should you smell your hands. The words that we repeat in the silence of the night, I do not remember. I just remember that at the first words, the threads with the knots, lying in the box, suddenly stood and heard a quiet hiss, from which it became terrible. Threads wriggled in agony and hiss was louder. Then they suddenly flared and instantly burned down. Forecast and fire drawn pentagram. Something oppressive, heavy as if it fell from the shoulders. Everyone sighed light easily and the ringing silence suddenly hit the ears. But this was another silence, not oppressive, but calm.

Rapating the footprints of the pentagram, the serge neatly two chopsticks raised the box with the ashes of "witch stairs" and taken them to the grave on which Natasha sat on the full mones and fell asleep their land near her. Then we pursed together along the night steppe to the village. It was somehow easy to go, the night air was pleasantly tavering the nostrils smells of wormwood and steppe disinth. We moved away quite a bit - a hundred meters or a little more, when suddenly, behind us, something with hissing broke into the air. We looked around. High in the sky, crackling, hung red balloon, size with a soccer ball. There was a click and the ball was divided into four small, forming a quadricle. A minute later, the balls were injured or disappeared - nothing broke the beauty of the starry sky and we again felt the calm of the night steppe.

Natalia recovered and again became cheerful and cheerful. Night "hiking" stopped. And her mother-in-law was sick from six months. Serge explained this by the fact that the sorceress is very experienced and "through himself" does not make spells - they apparently know well the "boomeranga effect" when evil reflected by the more skilled sorcerer can return to the "host". Here, she did it through the "customer".

How to Tie a Witches Knot
